
31 Oktober 2009

Ragunan Zoo

I visited Ragunan Zoo about six months ago, I want to share my memories to you, enjoy.


Sumatran Tiger

Elang Bondol (Mascot of Jakarta)


Australian Pelican

Sumatran Tiger, Please watch. :)

24 Oktober 2009

Jakarta Street Hawker


Jakarta is the multicultural city, this is the home for many people from the other part of Indonesia & Asia. Their cultures have blended into something unique, for example food.

If you feel hungry and want something cheap to eat you can choose popular food below:

Mie Ayam (Usually about 7000 rupiahs per portion)
Siomay (Usually about 5000 rupiahs per portion)
Bakwan Malang (Usually about 7000 rupiahs per portion)
Pecel Ayam (Usually about 9000 rupiahs per portion)
Pecel Lele (Usually about 9000 rupiahs per portion)
Nasi Goreng. (Usually about 7000 rupiahs per portion)

Mie Ayam

the price may be different.

07 Oktober 2009

Footprints of the Leaders

Banyak hal menarik yang dapat anda temui secara tidak sengaja di Jakarta, seperti yang saya alami ketika menunggu bus di halte di Jalan Medan Merdeka Utara, awalnya saya dibuat penasaran oleh 6 buah lempengan logam berwarna kuning yang berjejer rapi di trotoar, setelah saya dekati ternyata itu adalah cetakan kaki pemimpin-pemimpin Indonesia mulai dari Presiden Sukarno sampai Presiden SBY.

Catatan: untuk Presiden ke 1 (Ir. Sukarno) yang dicetak adalah alas sepatunya.

Presiden ke 1

Presiden ke 2

Presiden ke 3

Presiden ke 4

Presiden ke 5

Presiden ke 6

ตราแผ่นดินของสาธารณรัฐอินโดนีเซีย / Coat of arms of Indonesia

Garuda Indonesia is the coat of arms of Indonesia, the largest country in Southeast Asia.


17 feathers on each wing
8 feathers on the tail
19 feathers below the shield and
45 feathers on the neck.
mean 17-08-1945 (Indonesia's independence day)

Pancasila shield sign (Pancasila is the ideology of Indonesia)

Bhineka Tunggal Ika means Unity in Diversity